Concerts in and around Munich, Baviera, Bavaria, Bavière,
Monaco di Baviera

It's unbelievable - but in Munich there is more than just beer garden, Oktoberfest and the !!!CSU - Mafiosi!!!
Updated: 02 Jul 2014
Believe me... I heard of some people who don't come from
Bavaria and even liked this town in spite of the reputation as
a City for juppis and bigwigs.
Compared to other German or European towns there isn't a
special quarter to go out (don't go to Schwabing - it just
lives from it's old reputation from the sixties...).
The "good" pubs are spread all over Munich..
For that reason you will have to go through the whole million
people village to become aware what's going on in Munich.
Please don't rely too much on guidebooks, cause they are just
made for the average tourist.
They don't care about SKA & Punk addicts since most Punks
and Skins don't have enough money or time to leave their
towns. Beer is cheaper and better in Munich than in most other
German or Western European towns. The average price for half a
liter is under 3 EURO.
Constantly in München: Please don't blame me for the
crap I wrote. I don't want to give you wrong information's,
but sometimes shit happens. I found most of the dates in
fanzines and other home pages - sometimes they give totally
different information's... You better confirm the showdates at
the concerthalls to be sure that you won't be disappointed. I
try to give correct information's, but sometimes it doesn't
the most topic magazine about concerts etc. (There appears
every fortnight a free printed version in Pubs/Taverns, ticket
centers and Townhall information)
Beerfestivals in and around Munich
Información en espanol
Theatron at Olympiasee longest openair festival of the world for free (Nearly the whole August!)
In summer fun for free with bands!!!
Kafe Kult
free festival for children and adults (at night with Ska, Reggae and Salsa concerts in the end of august)
Blütenstr. 4
80802 München- Schwabing
Different types and brandsa of very delicious beer!!!
0,5 l beer costs 2,80 €
Monday: Punk & HC ; "Weissbierspecial": 0,5l Weissbeer costs 2 €
Tuesday: oldschool Punkrock
Mednesday: Mixture out of Soul, Beat, Punkrock, Powerpop, Ska, Reggae & Wave
Thursday: Rock'n'Roll, Horror Punk, Surf and similar stuff
Friday: Psychobilly, Rockabilly, Ska, Folk
Samstag: Ska, Reggae, Rocksteady, Northern Soul
opening hours: The Tumult opens daily from 8:00 P.M. until open end (al least 01:00 A.M.) Take the subway / tube U3 or U6 to Station "Universität" OR with
Tramway / Trolley 27 / Night Tramway / Trolley N27 to Station "Schellingstrasse"
Zum Jennerwein
Belgradstr. 27
80796 München-Schwabing
opening hours: The Jennerwein opens daily from 8:00 P.M. until 01:00 A.M.
Take the subway / tube U2 Hohenzollernplatz, OR with
Tramway / Trolley 12 „Belgradstrasse“
ATOMIC CAFE 80331 Neuturmstr. 5 - T. 228 30 54 Website:
BACKSTAGE + CLUB 80639 Friedenheimer Brücke 7 - T. 126 610-0 Website:
FEIERWERK FORMICULA H39 ORANGEHOUSE KRANHALLE 81373 Hansastr. 39 - T. 724 884 44 Website:
GLEIS 1 UNTERSCHLEISSHEIM 85716 Unterschleißheim, Hollerner Weg 1 - T. 310 53 89 !!!S-Bahn Station Lohhof!!!
MUFFATHALLE 81667 Zellstr. 4 - T. 45 87 50 00
SUBSTANZ 80337 Ruppertstr. 28 - T. 721 27 49
ZENITH 80939 Lilienthalallee 29 - T. 450 692-0

Fr, 04.07.2014 PANAJAH SKA 16:00 Uhr Andechser Zelt Eintritt frei
Mo, 14.07.2014 The Slackers <USA> Feierwerk
Do, 24.07.2014 JAYA THE CAT + SANTERIA & THE PORN HORNS Live on stage Halle:
Fr, 25.07.2014 MACKA B + PEACECAMPBAND feat. MC BUSHBAYER Live on stage Werk:
Mo, 28.07.2014 MAD CADDIES Beginn: 20:00 UhrLive Free & Easy Festival @ Werk
So, 03.08.2014 RUSSKAJA + DJANGO S Beginn: 20:00 Uhr Werk
FR, 01.08.2014 THE TOASTERS <USA>, THE OFFENDERS <ITA> und SANTERIA Nordbeat Ska Festival
15./16.08.2014 Brass Wiesn Festival am Echinger See 2014 mit Karamelo Santo <ARG> (15.08.2014) und The Busters <DEU> (16.08.2014)FR, 17.10.2014 DISTEMPER <RU>, RAPID und HELDENFRÜHSTÜCK Gleis 1 Unterschleissheim/Lohof
Sa, 27.12.2014 PRESSURE TENANTS <UK> Backstage
Festivals in der Nähe Münchens:
Nordbeat Ska Festival 01.08.2014 mit THE TOASTERS, THE
OFFENDERS und SANTERIA - Unterschleissheim, near Munich
FR, 01.08.2014
Acoustic-Set der Ska-Rocker
FR, 01.08.2014
Nordbeat Ska Festival
Weitere Infos zu den oben stehenden Konzerten
findet ihr im Bereich "Zeltival 2014"!
Zeltival im Valentinspark Unterschleißheim - Anfahrt/Parkmöglichkeiten -,
gegenüber dem Carl-Orff-Gymnasium, Münchner Ring 6, 85716 Unterschleißheim.
Brass Wiesn Festival am Echinger See 2014 (15. und Samstag,
den 16. August 2014) - near Munich
Im kommenden Jahr geht das Brass Wiesn Festival in die zweite Runde, ein Datum steht bereits fest: am Freitag, den 15. und Samstag, den 16. August 2014 wird das idyllisch gelegene Gelände direkt am Echinger See erneut zum Schauplatz der bunten Open-Air Gaudi!
Es gibt Neues von der Brass Wiesn: Hypnotic Brass Ensemble aus Chicago und der bayerische Kultrapper BBou sind mit von der Partie!
Brass Wiesn Festival - LineUp 2014
Für das Brass Wiesn Festival 2014 sind 17 Bands bestätigt:
Aureba, BBou, Blassportgruppe, Blechbixn, Boban & Marko Markovic Orchestra, dicht & ergreifend, Die Bayerischen Löwen, Egerländer Rebellen, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Guten A-Band, Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, Kapelle Josef Menzl, Karamelo Santo, Tante Frieda, Tegernseer Tanzlmusi, The Busters, Viera Blech

Punk And Other Concerts
(Punk-Rock page which is more up-to-date than mine:
More concerts in Bavaria and the rest of Germany: