Munich For Tourists
the most topic magazine about concerts / shows,
events etc. (There
appears every fortnight a printed version which you could
get for free
in Pubs/Taverns, ticket
centers and in the Townhall information) German
(English Munich-Bavaria info)
Beerfestivals in and around Munich
Townmap Munich
Información sobre Munich en español
Le portail des Français à Munich
Townmap Munich
Euro Youth Hotel Munich tourism
The Tent MunichJugendherberge Munich-Thalkirchen
youth hostel Munich-Thalkirchen - for tourism in english
(youth hostel near the zoo and the river Isar)
youth hostel Munich-Neuhausen - english
(youth hostel in the city - Wendl-Dietrich-Str. 20 near U-Bahn
1(subway) Rotkreuzplatz
München Thalkirchen Camping Ground